Sunday 2nd of June 2024
Venue: Scotstoun Badminton Academy
Time of shows: 10am & 2pm
Please read and complete the form below by 20th April so we know who is doing the show
Show Fee: £5 per pupil due 20th April - via bank transfer. Please use reference child’s name and SF. E.G “Karen Flo SF”
First Step Costume hire fees are £25.50 or £34 for First Steps Ballet or £42.50 for First steps ballet and acro and due 4th May - via bank transfer. Please use reference child’s name and CH. E.G “Karen Flo CH”
There is a £10 deposit for costumes which should be put in an envelope with your child’s name, class and £10 deposit, written on the front. Due 4th May.
Tickets for the show are £12 for children (15 years and under) and £15 for adults (16 years +) These will be available to order from the 1st of May and can be bank transferred this year. We know you hate envelopes. It is more work for us so PLEASE use the ref and state child’s name and TX. E.G “Karen Flo TX”
The show is being filmed and you can order a USB £20 or DVD £18
Costumes will be handed out Friday 24th May - more details to follow
Dress rehearsal is £5 on Sunday 26th May and photographer will be there - more details to follow
Show fee, costume fee and ticket money are non refundable. Once paid this money is used for costume hire/venue hire so it’s still owed out from SDDA. Please make payment in to the SDDA bank account and not the class for kids account